Did you know that booking outside of the host hotel room block penalizes USFN?
It’s true! USFN is able to conduct high-quality meetings at desirable sites for a reasonable registration fee because a significant block of hotel rooms is reserved for meeting attendees. Here are few facts that you may not know about how those hotel blocks and the rooms USFN event attendees book make an impact on our ability to host first-class events:
The size of the official room block determines priority status for function space. By booking rooms outside the block, USFN may not get its preferred dates/function space on a first option basis. In exchange for filling the required number of sleeping rooms, USFN is permitted to use the hotel’s meeting space at no/reduced cost.
USFN is penalized financially for not filling a minimum number of contracted sleeping rooms.
Securing a smaller room block makes it more difficult for USFN to gain favorable hotel services, concessions, and function space in future years at new or different properties.
The hotel provides certain concessions to USFN based on filling the group room block(which help to offset registration rates).
Helping USFN meet its room block obligation allows the event to earn reductions toward the overall bill(e.g., comp rooms, commissions, or rebates) which allows us to keep our attendees' costs down, in turn.
Future housing and registration rates can remain low when a majority of attendees book within the official group block.
Booking within the group block is the right thing to do to support USFN and to ensure USFN’s event remains financially viable.
Need a few more reasons to book overnight accommodations in the host hotel room block?
Greater informal networking opportunities exist in hotels within the group block(as this is where a majority of attendees are staying and frequenting).
It will take you less time to travel from the meeting to your hotel room, making it easier for you to adjourn to your room to nap or work during down time.
The important announcements and information USFN may need to share with attendees when they check-in are provided only at those hotels within the group block.
Any room drops arranged by USFN or its sponsors are only available to those staying at hotels within the group block.
Friendly booking terms(e.g., no full pre-payment) are negotiated as part of USFN’s hotel contract.
Meeting attendees receive a reduced rate(negotiated by USFN) for their sleeping rooms.
Low group rates are guaranteed prior to the established cut-off date and are usually extended a few days pre- and post-event.
Attendees receive the negotiated benefits and amenities contracted for the group room block(e.g., fitness center, bottled water, spa discounts, and complimentary in-room wifi access).
Reservations within the group block are protected from hotel relocation (also known as walking).