Introduction As a registered participant for a USFN event, your engagement is integral to the success of our learning and networking programs. By registering, you agree to adhere to USFN's event policies, designed to create a positive and collaborative environment for all attendees. Please familiarize yourself with these policies, as they encompass various aspects of your participation, ensuring a seamless and enriching experience for everyone involved. Thank you for your commitment to upholding the standards that make USFN events exceptional.
The following policies are relevant to all USFN events:
Attendee Information By registering for a USFN event, attendee authorizes their name, title, and organization name to appear on event registration lists and in the mobile app (as applicable) that is available to USFN members and event attendees. For in-person events, attendee understands they have the option to update their mobile app profile and make visible to fellow event attendees their photo, phone number, email address, and/or mailing address if they so choose.
Communication USFN education programs are created to foster open and candid communication between mortgage service industry professionals, USFN member attorneys, and associate members. To retain the security, integrity, and purpose of the sessions, USFN maintains the following communication policies:
Audio and/or videotaping of any part of the seminar is prohibited (including individual sessions and networking events).
Members of the media are not permitted to attend.
Content Disclaimer All content, presentations, handouts, emails, website content, mobile app content, etc. provided by USFN in its publications, in connection with USFN events, and otherwise (“Content”) is for educational purposes only, and should not be considered legal advice or a legal opinion. Every matter is different and poses a unique set of facts and circumstances. Legal advice can only be provided after analysis of all the facts and circumstances of a particular matter. In addition, all Content is current only through the date it is provided and may change after that date due to changes in the law, custom, industry standards, or best practices. We suggest that you consult with your USFN local counsel if you wish to retain a firm to provide legal advice on a particular issue or matter. You may also contact USFN via email at [email protected] for contact information for our firms for that purpose.
Continuing Legal Education (CLE) For more information about which USFN events offer CLE, please review the associated event page on USFN cannot guarantee CLE credit will be approved in every state for which an application is submitted. Every jurisdiction's requirements and review processes are different. CLE are nonrefundable except should you have paid for any states that are subsequently not approved. In that case, USFN will refund the CLE portion of your registration only. To request a refund, or to ask questions about CLE, please email [email protected].
Social Media Guidelines USFN supports the use of social media as it relates to its education programs. Social media can be a great way to network with friends and colleagues before, during, and after the program, as well as to involve those in the industry who are unable to register/attend. Please do, however, respect the following social media guidelines to ensure all attendees and guests have the best possible experience at USFN meetings/events.
Use the meeting/event hashtag to follow the latest posts and to join in on the conversation.
Promote your attendance/participation by sharing USFN’s “I’m Speaking” or “I’m Attending” graphics on your social media accounts and/or in your company’s newsletter.
Post pictures of yourself or destination landmarks to convey your enthusiasm for the program.
Ask for consent before taking and posting pictures/videos of fellow attendees.
When taking/posting photos/videos, carefully consider what’s in frame and how it may be perceived by non-attendees.
Posting pictures or videos of slides, handouts, or other education material (particularly if it’s copyrighted or trademarked) is not permitted.
Taking and posting pictures/videos/audio recordings of fellow attendees without their consent is strictly prohibited.
Posts from USFN events that appear to exclusively endorse or showcase an individual or an organization without context or attribution to the USFN event are discouraged.
Livestreaming of any kind is prohibited during USFN events.
The views and opinions posted on USFN’s social media accounts do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies of USFN, including its Board, membership, or staff. USFN reserves the right to remove comments it deems to be inappropriate.
The following policies are relevant to all USFN in-person events:
Health & Safety The health and safety of everyone attending in-person USFN events is our highest priority. For the benefit of all, registered attendees and their guests are encouraged to exercise preventative health measures. These include but are not limited to coughing/sneezing into your elbow and regularly washing your hands.
Moreover, registered attendees who feel ill should minimize their exposure to other attendees, guests, and the USFN staff. Should your plans change to accommodate an illness (e.g., last-minute cancellation/substitution or early departure), please communicate those details in writing to [email protected].
Finally, every attendee acknowledges and agrees they voluntarily assume health risks inherent in public interaction and agree to release, waive, and discharge USFN, the venue(s), and all related and affiliated individuals and entities from all claims directly or indirectly arising from their event attendance.
Photography/Videography By registering for a USFN event, attendees grant USFN, its representatives, and staff the right to take photographs and/or video of attendees and their property. Attendees authorize USFN to copyright, use, and publish the same in print/and or electronically. Attendees agree that USFN may use such photographs or video of them with or without their name and for any lawful purpose, including such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, social networking, and web content.
The following policies are relevant to all USFN virtual events:
Backdrops General Guidance: As with all USFN events, when you are on video broadcast at a USFN event, we expect our members to dress and conduct themselves in an acceptable business manner. USFN reserves the right to discontinue any video attendance that does not meet this standard. If your backdrop becomes distracting or impairs the broadcast, the USFN may ask you to remove it or may discontinue your video participation.
Guidance for Presenters: If USFN creates a branded backdrop for a virtual event, it’s highly recommended the presenter utilize the USFN-created backdrop.
Guidance for Attendees: Firm/associate member attendees at virtual events may utilize firm/associate member-branded backdrops provided they only reference those jurisdictions where the firm has a regular or affiliate membership.
The following policies outline USFN guidelines related to registration and refunds:
Payment Registrations will not be processed without full payment. Payment online must be made by major credit card only.
Cancellations/Refunds All requests for cancellations/refunds must be made in writing to [email protected] by 5 p.m. CT one week prior to the event. No refunds will be granted for cancellations made less than one week out from the event date. Refunds will not be given for no-shows. Exceptions for extraordinary events (e.g., medical emergencies) must be submitted in writing to [email protected] within one-week post-event by the registrant with appropriate documentation.
For the Executive Servicer Summit (ESS): Member registration cancellations received on/prior to one week out will receive a 50% refund in the manner originally paid. Member guest registration cancellations received on/prior to one week out will receive a refund minus a 10%/$100 administrative fee (whichever is greater). Servicer cancellation requests must be received on/prior to one week out, and any airline credit is forfeited for all cancellations unless it is purchased back from USFN.
For all other events (with the exception of ESS): Cancellations received on/prior to one week out will receive a full refund minus a 10%/$100 administrative fee (whichever is greater) in the manner originally paid.
Transfers/Substitutions USFN cannot apply event cancellation credits to future events; however, substituting a colleague within the same organization is gladly accepted at no charge. All requests for registration transfers/substitutions must be made in writing to [email protected] and received on/prior to one week out of the event date by 5 p.m. CT. After one week out from the event date, registration transfers/substitutions will be processed onsite. Only one transfer/substitution is permitted per original registrant. The individual submitting the substitution request is responsible for all financial obligations (any balance due) associated with that substitution. Badge sharing (two people attending an event using only one registration) and badge splitting (one registration being split by two people; commonly one attending in the morning and the other attending in the afternoon) are strictly prohibited and will result in the automatic registration (at the onsite rate) of non-registered attendees by USFN.
The following policies outline USFN guidelines related to servicers, GSEs, and investors:
Comp Registrations In appreciation for their time and commitment to designing and delivering session content, Servicers, GSEs, and Investors who are selected to speak at USFN events will receive a complimentary registration for that particular event. Registrations will be automatically processed by the USFN events team and confirmations disseminated. Travel and housing accommodations remain the responsibility of the speaker.
Invited Guests For events where Servicers, GSEs, and Investors may bring guests, any non-spouse/significant other guest may not be an employee of same firm or company as the registrant or actively work in the industry. Guests are not permitted to attend USFN education sessions, but are welcome to attend designated events as outlined in the program materials. Guests who are in the industry should not market non-USFN members during the USFN conference.
The following policies outline USFN guidelines related to members:
Eligible Attendance Law firm membership in the USFN allows all Firm Staff to attend events, access webinars, and/or receive publications. “Firm Staff” is defined as an employee, partner, equity owner, or other representative exclusively employed by a USFN Member(s), whose primary function or job is to manage, market, or work in the business of the USFN Member firm. The Term does not include independent contractors who are not USFN Associate Members, and does not include firm employees, partners, equity owners, or other representatives who work in any capacity for a non-member law firm in the mortgage default service industry. Certain USFN events may be restricted to servicer representatives only and/or to certain types of Firm Staff at the discretion of the Board.
In Conjunction With(ICW) Events USFN members and associate members are not permitted to host events or entertain attending servicers/clients, whether onsite at the hotel or conference center or offsite at a restaurant, bar, or other entertainment venue, that conflict with scheduled USFN seminar activities. This includes, but is not limited to, education sessions, networking events, and meal functions, from the start of the first official group event to the close of the final official group event as outlined in the program schedule.
Firm Member & Associate Member Guests Certain USFN events may allow for the attendance of member guests. A member guest may not be a member of the same firm or company as the registrant, may not work in any capacity for a non-member law firm in the mortgage default service industry, and must register in the appropriate registration category/rate. Generally, member guests are not permitted to attend USFN education sessions, but are welcome to attend designated events as outlined in the program schedule.
Contact Us If you have any questions and/or concerns regarding any of the above-mentioned Event Policies, please contact the USFN Registration Team via email at [email protected].